Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In country update

Hi, it's almost Thanksgiving, and I'm almost through with training (only a few weeks until I swear in). My site is great, you'll hear more about it, and it looks like, when school starts in January, I will be teaching Biology, Life skills/HIV, and English... at least, that's the tentative plan. My house is wonderful as well, and I will probably keep some hens-- for eggs... I'm also contemplating a cat, because I think I may have a small rodent problem, and a cat seems like a good, inexpensive solution for that. I've so far planted radishes, beans, peas, and cucumbers, but will undoubtedly be working in my garden a lot. Well, haven't got a lot of internet time at the moment, so I'll pass along a message to my brother to work on getting those last letters typed and this blog updated. Love you all! Glad to hear that Obama has won the election. :)